Don't Be Boxed In

I've been reflecting on the many roles I've taken on in my life – conductor, musician, business owner, arts leader, and more. It's striking to me how, all too often, people categorize others (and themselves!) into neatly defined boxes. "You're a musician," "You're a conductor," or "You're a X." Or even adding the word "just." But life is far too rich, nuanced, and complex to be limited by labels.

Conductor Felix Torres speaks with the audience at a Mesquite Symphony Orchestra performance in May 2022

It's really only been recently that I've come to embrace the many facets of my identity, and it has opened up new opportunities for me and made my life better (I don't like boxes nor being told what to do...). We shouldn't allow ourselves to be defined by the expectations of others or our own (self-imposed) limitations.

I can't remember a time when I haven't been passionate about connecting with people through music. This passion has led me to explore new paths in the arts and now in business. My experience has taught me that the different roles we assume don't have to be mutually exclusive – in fact, they can complement and enhance each other in surprising ways.

We should allow ourselves the freedom to explore, learn, and grow in all aspects of life. By embracing the multifaceted nature of our lives, we can create a more fulfilling life experience that allows us to make a meaningful impact in the world around us – whatever that might look like.

We are more than a label or a role. We are unique individuals with diverse talents, experiences, and passions. Embrace the uniqueness that is you!


Mesquite Symphony Orchestra Celebrates 35 Years